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VIVA DDA pilot ending

In early 2013 VIVA launched a pilot program for Demand Driven Acquisitions of books in STEM-H disciplines.  No new funding was provided in the state budget so the VIVA Collections Committee recommended the program be discontinued.  Records for these items have now been removed from Summon. We have title-level usage data for the program and this has been shared with subject liaisons in the affected areas to help identify titles of potential value to our users.   We are also working to implement a new DDA program locally for these call number ranges.

Enhanced search functionality for GALE resources — training sessions

CTS will be hosting a series of webinars on the advanced functionality of the Gale resources.  Please join us in the CTS meeting room (6170A) for any of these sessions.  If you can’t attend one of these, or prefer to watch on your own, please go to the calendar on the Gale website to view more options.

  • Tuesday, July 15 11:00-12:00 Biography in Context
    Monday, July 21 1:00-2:00 Artemis Library Sources
    Friday, July 25 9:00-10:00 Gale Virtual Reference Library
    Monday, July 28 11:00-12:00 Opposing Viewpoints in Context
    Tuesday, July 29 12:00-1:00 Powersearch

GALE has made significant improvements to their online reference products with the introduction of Gale PowerSearch, a suite of enhancements that includes new search functionality such as Search Assist and features such as Read Speaker.

Enhanced features and functionality are available in Academic OneFile, Opposing Viewpoints, an Biography in Context. Below are Gale resources available and accessible through Summon:

  • Gale Biography in Context: Provides access to biographies from reference works, news reports, magazines, and academic journals.
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library – Usage-Driven Acquisition (UDA) Model: A new user-driven eBook platform which provides access to more than 2,000 Gale titles. Additional 3rd party publishers will become available in the near future.





Collections in review: FY2014 new e-resources

As we draw the curtain on fiscal year 2014, it is worth noting many of the new electronic resources that were added to the collection this year. All resources are  listed by journal, eBook package, or database title and are discoverable in Summon.

  • AIP Digital Archive
  • Art Bulletin & Art Journal & Caa. Reviews
  • B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy
  • B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
  • B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics
  • Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining
  • Black Studies Center Database
  • CAB Reviews
  • CAB Reviews Archive
  • Cambridge Journals Digital Archive Full Content
  • Chemistry PACKAGE Book Series
  • Communications in Computational Physics
  • Educational Assessment
  • Handbooks in Economics (backfiles pre-2000)
  • Environmental Education Research
  • Garden, Landscape & Horticulture Index
  • Gut
  • Handbooks in Economics Series
  • International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
  • Journal of Library & Information Services in distance learning
  • Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
  • Journal of the Learning Sciences
  • Journal of Urban Cultural Studies
  • Journal of Visualized Experiments. General
  • Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1950 – 2012
  • Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2013 –
  • Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Nature Chemical Biology
  • Nature Climate Change
  • Nature Communications
  • Nature Journals backfiles
  • Pravda & Izvestiia daily
  • Isvestiia Digital Archive (1917 – 2013)
  • Pravda Digital Archive (1912 – 2013)
  • Qualitative Research
  • Sage STM backfile amendment
  • Serials Review
  • SimplyMap
  • Smithsonian + Air and Space 2011 –
  • Smithsonian + Air and Space archive
  • Sports Nutrition Care Manual
  • Wiley-Blackwell backfiles (8 collections):
    • Analytical Sciences
    • Civil Engineering
    • Communications Technology
    • Electrical & Systems Engineering
    • Genetics and Evolution
    • Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
    • Mathematics
    • Numerical Engineering




New online content from Wiley

We have added 8 new subject collections from Wiley that bring us additional journal backfile coverage in several key areas. These include analytical sciences, civil engineering, communications technology, genetics, infectious diseases, mathematics, microbiology, and numerical engineering.  In addition, we have added 13 new online reference works covering a broad range of topics including several in the humanities and social sciences.  All of these resources are one-time purchases and expand our scope of online reference sources.

ILL to implement Central Authentication Service

Interlibrary Loan’s ILLiad request system will begin using the university’s Central Authentication Service.

In preparation for the conversion, ILLiad will be down on Friday, May 16, 2014, and may have limited access over the weekend. Full service restoration is planned for Monday, May 19, 2014.

Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a central logon service that enables you to access multiple applications by typing your PID and password credentials one time. Once logged into CAS, you can visit any web application that uses CAS authentication without having to log on again. CAS is available to web applications that use the Virginia Tech PID for authentication.

After the changeover, users will login to their ILLiad account using their Virginia Tech PID and password.  A separate ILLiad account and password is no longer needed.

CAS authentication has been requested by users for a long time and Interlibrary Loan is happy to finally implement the feature.

If you have any questions, please contact the Interlibrary Loan office at or 540-231-6344

E-book news from Collection Management

Collection Management has continued to expand our available eBook collections and options in the first quarter of 2014. New eBook resources and packages are now available through YBP and Gale. New title lists for renewed Springer and Elsevier eBook packages are also available. All eBook titles are discoverable in Summon. Read below for more details.

GOBI – New publisher direct options for firm ordered eBooks are now available in GOBI. The Oxford UPSO platform, Elsevier, World Scientific Publishing, IGI Global, and Palgrave Macmillan are among the new YBP partners.

UDA – Collections has signed on to a new eBook program with Gale/Cengage. The Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) has a new platform called User Driven Acquisitions, UDA. More than 2,000 Gale titles are included in this collection. UDA allows us to purchase e-books based on our actual usage. We deposit funds upfront, use the platform for one year, and at the end of the term can select titles to purchase from among those with high usage.

Springer – VIVA has continued four statewide packages for 2014: Behavioral Science, Biomedical and Life Science, Computer Science, and Earth and Environmental Science. The Lecture Notes are included in the Computer Science package. And, the 2005 Archives are available for all four subject areas. To view the title lists refer to:

Elsevier – VIVA has also continued with the frontlist package from Elsevier which encompasses a broad range of subjects. To view the Frontlist of eBooks for 2014 refer to:


ILL – Collections Analysis Project Underway

As part of our regular collection analysis, we are also incorporating more interlibrary loan data into the mix.  In addition to looking at the serials usage and cost data for current subscriptions, Mary Lucado and I are looking at the journals most often requested through ILL.  The list contains over 400 titles that have had articles requested more than 5 times from July 2010 through November 2013. (Below is a list of the Top 50 most requested titles, some of which we have already recently subscribed).   With the help of intern Brooke Williams, we’ll then look up current subscription costs, publisher names, and determine if and when we have ever had a subscription to that particular journal.  From that point, we will determine whether it’s less expensive to continue to borrow the journal through ILL versus subscribing to the journal. We’ll also determine whether a significant portion of the most requested titles are coming from the same publisher, and, if so, perhaps a package should be considered. Other factors will be considered as data becomes available.

Example: Let’s consider the journal “International Journal of Remote Sensing,” which was borrowed 21 times since July 2010. A rough average cost to borrow an article is about $25.

Computing the ILL cost:  21 (article requests, or use)   X $25 (average cost to borrow)  = $525 (for 3 year period)

This might sound like a good candidate for  a current subscription, but further investigation reveals that this Taylor & Francis titles costs $10,490 for an annual subscription.

Computing 3 year subscription cost: $10,490 + 11,015* + 11,565* = $33,070

*Adjusted for 5% inflation

How long does it take to get an article through ILL?  November’s statistics tell us that 87% of article requests are filled within minutes to 1 week, and nearly 60% of those are filled within 24 hours.


Journal Name

Number of Requests

International psychogeriatrics


Journal of elder abuse & neglect


Journal of college student retention : research, theory & practice.


Qualitative health research.


Geotechnical Special Publication


Journal of hydraulic research. Journal de recherches hydrauliques.


The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand.




Methods in molecular biology.


Journal of school leadership.


Aging & mental health.


British journal of sports medicine


Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma.


Journal of gerontological social work.


Tissue engineering.


Health promotion practice.


Quality in higher education.


Dementia the international journal of social research and practice.


Educational policy.


Obesity research.


Public health nutrition


Journal of education for students placed at risk.


Journal of psychology and theology.


Journal of GLBT family studies.


Journal of telemedicine and telecare


Intervention in school and clinic.


Journal of physical activity & health.


Sociology compass


Journal of LGBT Issues in counseling.


Nature protocols




Field methods.


International journal of sports science & coaching.


The Journal of staff development.


Clinics in sports medicine.


Modern hospital.


Partner abuse


ATW : Internationale Zeitschrift fu¨r Kernenergie.


Current topics in medicinal chemistry


Journal of consciousness studies : controversies in science & the humanities.


International journal of technology management = Journal international de la gestion technologique.


Journal of couple & relationship therapy.


Journal of positive behavior interventions.


Social work in health care.


The British journal of nutrition.




Current medicinal chemistry


Rounding Out 2013: News from Collection Management

University Libraries will be acquiring the Cambridge Journals Digital Archive, an archive containing both STEM, and Humanities-Social Sciences journals.  In total, our users will enjoy 255 titles from this package.  A title list can be downloaded from the Cambridge Journals Digital Archive.  Additionally, we will be reviewing recommendations from the Sci-Tech and BHSS teams and hope to add purchases from these lists.  Once both teams complete their reviews, we will provide a list of all new acquisitions since July 1, 2013.

ASERL has just completed its first year with an EBL ebook deal where all ASERL institutions receive a 2% discount for any EBL purchases or short-term loans.  To continue the deal in the future, ASERL members needed to spend collectively $1,000,000 in ebooks or short-term loans for the 2013 calendar year, and we have confirmation that we have surpassed the goal.  Total savings for all schools combined equals roughly $27,000. Not too shabby!

At the Charleston Conference, Ed and I gave a presentation on the performance of DDA (Demand Driven Acquisitions) since we first started the pilot project in May 2012.  For FY 2013, we added a total of 12,805 DDA records to Summon, excluding any VIVA DDA titles.  With those 12,805 titles discoverable, patrons triggered 1204 short-term loans, and almost 70% of those titles were unique, or just experienced 1 short-term loan.  Only 31 titles saw enough short-term loan activity to be purchased outright.  DDA activity has remained steady since FY14 began and we hope to have mid-year report out soon.  Not surprisingly, business, education, and technology titles triggered the biggest share of the usage.

Amongst all this activity, collections staff have also been gathering ebooks usage and cost data in order to understand better the performance and print overlap of ebook packages.  Additionally, just like last January, our team will begin downloading COUNTER journal usage reports so that we can analyze our journal subscriptions.   In other words, more analysis to come in the New Year!


CRL Adds New Resources

Every year the Center for Research Libraries lets member libraries vote on new resources to be acquired by the center.  This helps continue to build the value of our institutional membership by adding to the already rich collections offered through CRL.  The results of the purchase proposal program for 2014 were just announced.  Eight new collections will be added and details on each are available at

New Platform and Interface for LION

Earlier this year VIVA’s subscription for the MLA database moved to ProQuest.  At the same time VIVA was also able to add access to Literature Online (LION) as well as premium content on the system.  LION combines the texts from works of literature with resources for criticism and reference. A new platform for LION has just been released and may be previewed at

Dual access will be supported into the “first half of 2014” to allow libraries time to make the transition off the legacy platform at